Breast Uplift (Mastopexy)
Over time, the effects of gravity along with the loss of the skin's natural elasticity begins to have an effect on the appearance of a woman's breasts. These factors, combined with pregnancies and nursing will often cause the breasts to lose their youthful shape and firmness.

Breastlift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure to raise and reshape sagging breasts. The procedure can also reduce the size of the areola (the darker skin surrounding the nipple). Breast implants inserted in conjunction with a mastopexy procedure can restore both firmness and size.

Length of surgery: 2-3 hours
Anaesthesia: General anaesthetic
Overnight or Daycase: Overnight and always performed in a hospital operating theatre.
Risks / Complications of Surgery:
Frequent: Bruising, swelling, temporary numbness, change in nipple sensation.
Infrequent: Infection, unsightly scarring, asymmetry, bleeding (haematoma), permanent numbness, nerve injury, nipple necrosis, fat necrosis.

5 – 10 days until socialising with close friends and family

2 weeks until return to work and normal social engagements

3-4 weeks until bruising and swelling disappeared

6 weeks until return to gym and other strenuous activities

12-24 weeks until final result

Duration Of Results: Permanent providing a well-fitting bra is worn after surgery and significant weight is not gained or lost.
Plastic Surgery W1 Ltd
Suite 1, 14 Queen Anne Street
London W1G 9LG
t 020 7079 0050  f 020 7079 0051